Friday, March 10, 2017


John 15:7-8: “7If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.8Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples”.

Every farmer’s expectation is to see his plants grow and bear fruits. He therefore does not just fold his arms to let the plants grow on its own. Apart from clearing/ spraying the weeds from time to time, he also prunes the branches to enable the plants grow better and bear more fruits. The branches also give the plants stability.
It can be observed that any branch that fails to sap from the main tree, dies. In the same way, a vine needs branches: without branches it can do nothing- can bear no fruits.

Believer’s kingdom
From John 15 we note that, Jesus Christ is the Vine- the true Vine and Believers are branches of this Vine. God, The Father, is the Husbandman. Believers, like the branches of the vine, are weak, and unable to stand without sapping from the tree. We must bear fruits and those "branches" that do not bear fruit are in danger of becoming cut off from the vine (Jesus). We must honour God, and do good; this is bearing fruit. And even fruitful branches need pruning; And the more fruit we bring forth, the more we abound in what is good, the more our Lord is glorified. It should be of great concern for all believers to constantly keep up dependence upon Christ as the branches depend on the Vine for nourishment. Those who abide not in Christ, though they may flourish for a while in outward profession, yet come to nothing.

What does it mean to abide in the Vine (Jesus Christ)
1    .    You have assurance of salvation (Rev. 3:20, Jn. 1:12,1Jn.5:,12)
2    .     You commune with God in prayer daily through Jesus Christ (1Thess.5:17)
3    .     The Lord takes care of you (Jn. 15:2b)
4    .     You are filled with the Holy Spirit and manifesting the gifts/ fruits (1corin. 12, Gal.5:22)
5    .     Good bible study habits i.e yearning for; studying and applying it to your life and not correcting it (Jn.15:10, 2Tim.3:16,17)
6    .     Sharing Christ with others in word and lifestyle (Matt. 28:19-20)
7    .     You have a victorious Christian life
8    .     The Lord provides your needs. (Jn. 15:7)
9    .     Have inner joy (Jn.15:11). Not the absence of trial or trouble, but a joy borne of the          assurance that Christ has overcome the world, and that we can also through Him, overcome our challenges in the Christian life(Jn. 16:33; Phil. 4:4). Actually, one of the first visible signs of backsliding (of not abiding in Christ) is the loss of joy, especially about things spiritual! (Ps 32:3; 51:12)

Causes of Separation from Christ (the true vine)
1   .     Sin (1corin. 6:9-11, unforgiveness, wrath, drunkenness, etc.)
2   .     Dependence on self rather than on Christ. Eg. Abraham/Sarah; Peter/ sinking &denial of christ
3   .     Comfort/ pleasure. (balaam- Num.23; Rev.3:17-laodicean church)
4   .     Friendship with the world (Jam.1:27,1Jn. 2:15-17, 2corin.6:14-18)
5   .     Lack of true fellowship (Heb. 10:25)

 Effects of Separation from Christ
1   .     Fear (leads to failure and defeats. It destroys your faith-Heb.11:6)
2   .     You won’t bear fruit, although believer (ti asi wu)
3   .     You will be cut off the vine (Jn.15:6)
4   .     No answers to prayers (Isa.59:1,2)

How to abide in Christ and bear fruits
1   .     Study and obey the word of God (Jn.15:7)
2   .     Be truthful in all we do (col.3:9-10)
3   .     Working in the vineyard (1corin. 15:58, Matt. 28:19-20)
4   .     Taking stock (2corin. 13:5)
5   .     Have a forgiving spirit (Lord’s prayer, Matt.5:44)
6   .     Accept the Lord’s pruning/discipline (Heb.12:6-8)

Just as the branches without the vine is useless, so the Christian without daily dependence on Christ is weak and vulnerable. Satan knows that the time left for him is short and therefore is going to and fro to prevent the Christian from abiding in the Lord. God has given us all that pertains to life and godliness to survive this warfare. In whom have you put your trust – Jesus or the world? The world and its promises are not permanent and will deceive you.

If you abide in the Lord, you will bear much fruit, you will enjoy the Fathers pruning, there will be a sense of dependency, your prayers will be answered and your love for Christ and Christians will be evident –no lip service.

May we be a church overflowing with fruit and may each of us here bear fruit, to the glory of God. Amen!

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