Friday, March 10, 2017


"For the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." (I Corinthians 1:18)
The cross is one of the most common symbols of our world today. You can find it in the fashion industry (earrings, bracelet, necklace), sticker on cars, tattoo or one of church display signs. But this wasn’t same some centuries back because the cross was a sign of shameful death .In the ancient Roman era, people were sentence to death by hanging (i.e. nailing hands and feet) on the cross because it is believed you suffer slowly before you die- very excruciating (Deut. 21:22-23 speaks of hanging)
However, the cross is central to the Christian faith. Without the cross, Christianity would have been meaningless and Christians would have been pitiful. The cross is crucial to our understanding of the Christian faith because it reminds us of the great work that Jesus did at Calvary. Carrying a cross on the neck or as earring has no power; it is like putting a bible under a pillow for protection (as some do). But what does the cross really mean? What is the significance behind the crosses we wear, or see gracing local church frontages?

Why Jesus hang on the cross
One might ask why should Jesus die in the first place. Because man sinned in the beginning which deserved death and the love of God needed to bring us back to God. Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins (Heb. 9:22). The virgin birth of Jesus avoided the curse of the fall that infects all humans born of natural birth. God the Father sent his one and only Son into the world to take on human flesh and to be the Savior of His people. God’s justice demanded judgment and punishment for sin but God’s love moved Him to send His one and only Son to be the mediator for the forgiveness of sin.
Because of Jesus’ atoning sacrifice on the cross, those who place their faith and trust in Him alone for salvation are guaranteed eternal life (John 3:16).

Importance of work on the cross
Satan hates the cross because it sealed his doom and he is relentless in his attacks to undermine the work on the cross. Every cult or false teaching in some way diminishes the work of Christ on the cross and magnifies human ability. No wonder a lot are living anyhow after knowing the knowledge of the cross and the cross has become a mere fashionable/ decorating symbol.
But the real power of the cross lies in the resurrection. It is through the resurrection that Jesus conquered death. For by his resurrection, born again Christians no longer have to fear death, for God himself gives the victory over sin, death and hell. Although the crucifixion of Jesus happened many years ago, its power is still real today. It stands as the only hope in a hopeless world:
      ·       The cross reveals the love of God for sinners- forgiveness. So those who turn to Christ are delivered from the penalty of sin, power of sin and healing (1Pet. 2:24-25; Jn.1:9)
      ·       The Cross created a new intimacy with God. The veil covering the temple’s holy of Holies was rent into two exposing it to all to access. Unlike traditionally when the high priest alone does that once a year to atone for sins with special clothing, initial bath, animal sacrifice, etc. Therefore Heb. 4:16 says “we should approach the throne of grace in confidence and Heb. 10:22 says “Christ has become our mediator for all time to approach God.
    ·      The work on the cross reveals the limitations of human achievement. All saw the crucifixion but no one saw the resurrection. Religious authority and most renowned justice system (Rome) ganged up against an innocent man. The resurrection defeated science in which man has put his hope and pride (col. 2:15). E.g. the 3day resurrection, the sealing of the tomb.
     ·       The cross has revealed a quality character of the God- humility (Phil. 2:5-8). At Calvary, God chose to hurt to forgive sinful man

How should the Christian live to reciprocate the sacrifice on the cross?
      ·       The Passover is similar to the work on the cross. Jesus as the Lamb of God, shed His blood on the cross and this blood saves the sinner from death as from the Angel of death. After the deliverance at the Passover, God gave the people the 10 commandments to govern His relationship with man/man with his neighbor (Ex. 20). Today, the 10 commandments should still govern the Christian relation after salvation.
      ·       Sin no more as sin means you are crucifying Jesus again (Heb.6:4-6). Do  not willfully sin for grace to abound (Rom.6:1-2).
      ·       Spread the forgiveness, reconciliation, redemption, salvation that came out of the cross (Matt. 28:19-20)
In Matt. 16:24, Jesus told His followers to take up their cross and follow Him. Typically, we use “cross-bearing” to denote an inconvenient or bothersome circumstance. However, we must keep in mind that Jesus is calling His disciples to engage in radical self-denial. Jesus is calling us to forget about the shame, persecution, deaths, suffering, etc. that is associated with living for Jesus (e.g. Paul -2corin. 12:10). You feel shy and join the crowd to sin.

Though the cross of Christ seems foolish to some people and other religions, those who believe in Jesus Christ find that it reveals the power of God (1 Corinthians 1:18), the power to save people from sin and hell and to transform their lives (e.g. Paul).

The cross stands as the greatest symbol of the death of Christ in our place and His rise from the dead! So the next time you see a cross, think of the empty tomb. And remember that Jesus died so that you can have eternal life. Live the righteous life to show the world the power of the cross because we will account for our lives (2corin. 5:10). 

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