Friday, March 10, 2017


John 15:8: “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.”
Brethren, Jesus Christ is coming again and soon. Bible in Matthew 24 has stated some signs that will characterize the Lord’s coming, and these signs are happening- earthquakes, wars, famine, diseases, etc.
Bible also says that the coming of the Lord shall be like Noah and Lot’s days, where pleasure and immorality was the order of the day- that is also happening.
2Corinthians 5:10 says that we shall all appear before the judgment seat of Christ to give account of what we did in the  body- whether good or bad. Will your account be good or bad?

To the farmer, anything planted is expected to grow and bear fruits. Therefore, plants that do not grow and bear fruits are cut down- true or false? This is because we cannot afford to waste scarce money, effort and chemicals on those crops. Likewise, Christianity is about bearing fruits. The Christian life is about knowing God and His son Jesus Christ and bearing righteousness as fruits, like the plant.

The fruits produced by the Christian is the changed life; the Christ-centered life; the life where we have died to ourselves, so that Christ will live through us (Gal. 2:19-20); A life that seeks to satisfy God rather than self, tradition or people. A life whose central theme, focus and purity, is God.
In short, the fruits are the characters we bear after receiving Jesus Christ as our personal savior sincerely. These include among others:
              i.  The fruit of goodness, kindness, patience, love, temperance, meekness (Gal. 5:22). Unlike our former state of adultery, fornication, hatred, drunkenness, envying, strife, etc. (Gal. 5:19-21)- showing people love although they don’t love us (Matt. 5:44)
                 ii.  The fruit of forgiveness, although it hurts.
                 iii.  Decent dressing, hairdo, haircut and in conversations- not exposing oneself but modest (1Tim. 2:9)   
                iv.  Fruit of contentment (1Timothy 6:6-10). Not lusting after wealth
             v.   Fruit of witnessing (Matt. 28:19-20). i.e. telling people what you have heard, seen and experienced in Jesus Christ. You share with all persons so that they will also believe and accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior and Lord; teaching them the living characters of the Christian, so they will grow into maturity. If you are not doing this, you need to start now because it is a command. Christians today are reneging on this command so other false religions are growing at alarming rates. Salvation comes through Jesus Christ and Him only!
                 vi.      As married, we need to bear fruits of what God’s holy marriage is. Husbands’ should love their wives whiles wives submit to their husbands’. Spouses should take care of one another and train their children I Godly manner.

                   i.          You will be cut-off from the grace and kingdom of God (John 15:2) and cast into the lake of fire in the end (Rev. 20:12-15)
                ii.       You will lose God’s “pruning” i.e. protection and guidance of the Holy Spirit will elude you and thence no conviction of sin.          
             iii.     If you bear fruit, God will hear your request and answer them (John 15:16; 2Chronicles 7:14)
In this insecure world, only God can save you from the coming destruction and this can happen if you obey Him.

                     i.   Sin – 1John 3:4; James 2:10, 4:17; Isaiah 59:1-2
         ii.  Reliance on hollow philosophy, traditions rather than the word of God- Jn. 15:4 (i.e. separation from Christ)
           iii.  Self- Management – e.g. Peter’s denial of Christ as prophesied by Christ, although he challenged Christ initially of his denial.
                    iv.   Environment – e.g. Friends, Social groups especially with unbelievers (2Corinthians 6:14-18)
                   v.     Lack of proper fellowship (Hebrew 25:10)- Good Godly fellowship should encourage you rather than discourage you.
        vi.    Idolatry e.g. TV. Idols, money or anything that is placed more important than your relationship with God.
                 vii.   Lack of Praying, Bible study and not working in the “vineyard” i.e. not allowing God to use you.

                    i.  Beware of sin – confess and forsake it (1Jn. 1:9)
                    ii.   Receive and rely on the Holy Spirit for strength- Jn. 14:26, 16:7-14; Gal. 5:22
             iii.   Study the bible and obey it – 1Tim. 3:16-17. Do not correct the word of God and don’t regard any book above it.
               iv.     Beware of false ministers, prophets, teachers, etc. – test the spirits and what you hear (1Jn. 4:1-4)
              v.     Witness/ Evangelise and make disciples for the kingdom (Matt. 28:19-20)- not in mere words but actions or deeds.
                  vi.     Pray and fast to kill the desires of the flesh and set spiritual strength
                 vii.    Take stock of your life often (2Corinthians 13:5)
Brethren, Bible says we are the light and salt of the world. But when light and salt lose their brightness and saltiness, they become useless. Todays’ world is engulfed with sin because Christians have lost their brightness and saltiness- i.e. staying away from living right and exhibiting things of the flesh rather than the spirit.
Remember James 1:27. When we bear much fruit, the father is glorified and we shall be Christ disciples indeed (Jn. 15:8)
Finally, Jesus Christ the master judge is preparing to come. What fruit are you bearing?

Prayer: Ask God to strengthen you to bear fruits of holiness, righteousness and be obedience to His word. Amen!

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