Sunday, March 12, 2017


Rev.21:10: And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God,
Heaven is real! The most wonderful things that you have never even dreamed of are already waiting for you in God's great Heavenly City! When Jesus was saying good-bye to his disciples at the last supper, He promised them, "In My Father's house are many mansions: I go to prepare a place for you!" (Jn.14:2,3) He has been working on our Heavenly Home since He left, and now it's just about complete and ready for us! The Lord took the Apostle John on a spirit trip there, and he saw the Heavenly City coming down from God out of space to land on a beautiful New Earth that will be like the Garden of Eden! This gigantic Golden City will stand 1500 miles (2,400km) high, 1500 miles long and 1500 miles wide! (Rev.21:1-3)

Brief description of heavenly city (compared with world city)
Rev. 21:12-24………..12 gates and 12 foundations; walled city; walls made of precious stones (jasper,gold, clear glass, pearls, etc.); needed no sun or moon to shine in it, for the glory of God lighted it; the gates shall not be shut because there is no night there.

What a wonder this great Heavenly City will be!--No more pain, sickness, tears, sin, evil, or death!--Only love and laughter and peace ever after! Will YOU be there?!

Proof that heaven is real
·       Gen. 1:1; Ex. 9:22; Ps. 14:2; Matt. 23:9; Acts 1:9-11.

Who are qualified to enter the city (holy Jerusalem)?
·       Receive Jesus as personal saviour. (Romans 10:9, Romans 10:13; Jn. 1:12; Ephesians 2:8)
·       Obey the word—(Jn. 14:23-24, 2Tim.3:16-17)
·       Rev. 21:27—the righteous
·       Have and keep the Holy Spirit who will comfort and give you power (John 14:26; Act. 1:8)

Who are not qualified to enter the city (holy Jerusalem)?
Rev. 20:15; Gal. 5:19-21, 2Thess. 2:12; 2Jn 1:9; Jude 1:5; I Corin.6:9-12

When will we enter the city?
No man knows (Matt. 24:36-44; 2Pet. 3:10). …..but after coming judgment (2corin. 5:10; Rev. 20:10-15). Therefore prepare because Jesus will come like a thief.(2Pet. 3:10)

Brethren do not let your heart be troubled. God has a wonderful plan for our future, which cannot be compared with this present, troubled earth. As our reading in Jn. 14:23 says…we should keep the Lord’s word. Like Paul and co. in Acts 16…..Do you find time to preach the Lord’s word to people? Telling them about salvation in Jesus Christ only and the coming Day of Judgment, so they are ready? Lydia attained her salvation because she worshipped God? Rev. 22:5 says, in that citythere is no night there; no candle nor sun light because the Lord gives light and reigns forever (justice and peace).

Are you ready for this heavenly city? Read Rev. 22:12-14. Amen!

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