Sunday, March 12, 2017


It’s one of the most practical ways you can help and do God’s work.
The Problem

How many times have you started your Bible study and, after only a few minutes, you find it hard to concentrate? Maybe you think of something else that “must” be done first. Or you suddenly get sleepy. Or you’re just plain bored with studying the Bible.

It doesn’t have to be that way! Your personal Bible study can and should be the most exciting activity of your day. You can be like the Bereans, who searched the Scriptures daily with a ready mind (Acts 17:11). God says they were more noble than the Thessalonians simply because of their approach to Bible study.

Solving the Problem

People often ask how they can better support God’s trumpet-blowing work. What can you do personally to contribute more to this global effort—and to promote more growth in your individual life? Diligently search God’s Word every day! Here are four important guidelines to remember, and energize your bible study life:

1. God commands daily Bible study.
Bible study is not something we do only if there is enough time—or if we feel like doing it. God’s Word says plainly, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). Bible study is not optional. God commands that we educate, train and develop our minds. And that takes daily work.

Jesus told us to ask God for bread daily (Luke 11:3). In John 6:48, Christ said, “I am that bread of life.” Christ is the bread of life—He is the Word of God. And the Bible is that Word in print. That means we must feed on that Word daily—just like the Israelites fed on manna from heaven daily. Study the instructions God gave the Israelites in Exodus 16. They had to gather manna daily. As Jesus explains in John 6, that lesson is for us. If we don’t partake of spiritual bread every day, it will lead to spiritual malnourishment, even death.

2. Labor for spiritual food.
It takes planning, effort and time to prepare a nutritious physical meal. Should we expect it to be any different with spiritual food? Jesus said, “Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life …” (John 6:27). It takes diligent work to get a lot out of our Bible study. Remember, we have to be good workmen in study.

3. Seek correction in your Bible study.
The Apostle Paul praised his assistant Timothy for having “known” the Scriptures from his earliest years. He went on to describe the many wonderful benefits that come with studying the Bible: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). We need loving reproof and correction if we are to obtain perfection in God’s Family (see also Matthew 5:48).

Did you know that one of God’s most effective methods to correct His children is through our personal Bible study? He will provide other correction at times, perhaps from lectures or counseling sessions. But to get the personalized correction you need daily, you have to take the initiative and seek reproof in your study.

4. Study in order to teach others.
God has a plan for all men to come to the knowledge of His truth and ultimately be saved, as it says in 1Timothy 2:4. And He’s bringing us along to help Jesus Christ teach the world His truth. God doesn’t bring people into His work only to save them. When God calls you, He has a job for you to do! That means your personal Bible study sessions are actually intended to help other people—ultimately to help all of mankind.

Jesus said, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). God wants this hopeless, dying world to see your good works. How will we have any good works for people to see if we aren’t regularly applying what we study daily in God’s Word?

Consider this

Maybe you’ve been neglecting your Bible study because you only think of yourself. Or maybe you aren’t thinking far enough ahead—or not thinking big enough! Fast forward 10 or 15 years from now. Think about the others you might be responsible for then. Maybe you’ll even be in God’s Kingdom. Whatever the case, you will be expected to teach others what you are learning now! That means your overall effectiveness as a future parent, grandparent, teacher, minister or member of the bride of Christ will depend largely on the personal Bible study sessions you are having right now.

That’s the “readiness of mind” we all need when we sit down to study God’s Word. With that far-reaching vision in mind, we can make our daily Bible study the most exciting activity of the day! Amen


There is no place like home says a popular adage. What then is a home? "A home is a place where one lives with one’s family”. Generally, it is a place of refuge, care, comfort, rest, security, help, love etc. – this is the ideals of a peaceful home! The basic foundation of any society is the home—so when the home begins to break, the society is on its way to disintegration. This problem does not make screaming headlines, but like termites, it is eating away at the heart and core of our social and moral structure.

What then is a Peaceful Christian Home? and how do we keep the home Peaceful as God ordained it to be?

A Christian Home
A ‘good’ Christian home is one which lives by biblical principles and each member understands and fulfills his or her God-given role. The family is not an institution designed by man but created by God, and man has been given the responsibility of stewardship over it. The basic biblical family unit is comprised of one man, one woman and their offspring or adopted children. The home can also include the extended family comprising the relatives by blood or marriage such as grandparents, nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts and uncles and various in-laws.. One of the primary principles of the home is that the husband and wife or father and mother are responsible for holding it together, irrespective of today’s beliefs.

Roles of members of the Home
The family is God’s agency for populating the earth with people who would love God and be loved by Him. It is to be formed exclusively through a loving lifelong marriage covenant between a man and a woman (Genesis 1:26-28; 2:18,24). But what are the roles of the members of the family?

(1)   The Father
Ephesians 5:22-26 provide the guidelines for husbands and wives in a good Christian family. What does God expect of the husband/father? (i) The husband is first and foremost called by God to love his wife (Ephesians 5:25, 28-32). The self-giving love of Christ for the Church is the model that the husband ought to emulate. (ii) the husband is called to honor his wife (1 Peter 3:7). Many family problems between spouses and parents and children would be resolved if these two principles alone were practiced. A husband must remember that his wife is a joint heir with him of the grace of God. She is an expression of God's favor and grace (Proverbs 18:22). Every Christian husband should view his wife from this perspective of God’s extended love towards him. (iii) the husband is to provide leadership as he models the Christian faith (beliefs and way of living) before his family. He is to reflect in his life the character and virtues of the Christian faith. This happens when he lives a life of integrity, faithfulness, and obedience to God. The physical, material, emotional and spiritual needs of the family are to be met by the husband and father to the very best of his ability. (iv) He is to provide security and protection for his family. There is no biblical justification for not meeting these needs. It is his duty before God (1Timothy 5:8).
Both husband and wife are to lovingly fulfill each other’s sexual needs (1 Corinthians 7:3-5). Each should seek to understand the sexual needs of their spouse. The God-given gift of intercourse in marriage is much more than a physical act. It brings a deep intimacy and oneness that unites a couple and enriches the marriage. This intimate union in the marriage has a positive and profound impact on the family and is to be shared only with one’s lifelong marriage partner. Husband and wife are to remain faithful to one another for a lifetime.

(2)   The Wife/ Mother
The Woman was given to the man for the purpose of being her husband’s help-meet (Genesis 2:18-20) and to bear children. (i) The wife is called by God to love, respect, and be faithful to her husband (Ephesians 5:22,23; Titus 2:4,5). (ii) As a wife and mother she is to be a role model of godliness and do her best to meet the family’s needs (Titus 2:4,5; 1 Timothy 5:14; Proverbs 31:10-31). The Bible calls her inward character her beauty. She is to model purity and possess a gentle and quiet spirit (1 Peter 3:1-7). (iii) She is to manage her home, speak with wisdom, and demonstrate prudence (Proverbs 12:4; 31:26,27). (iv) She is to assist her husband in nurturing their children. If the father is not a Christian she is to take the full responsibility to rear her children in the ways of the Lord.

(3)   Children
What about the children? Do they have any responsibilities toward their parents? The Scriptures indicate they do. (i) They should obey and honor their parents (Ephesians 6:1; Colossians 3:20; Exodus 20:12). Honor is not merely a verbal affirmation of the parent, but a lifelong pattern of living that does not bring distress, embarrassment, or reproach, but rather happiness, pride, and respect for the parent. (ii) Throughout the lives of their parents, children are under divine obligation to be a loving support system for their parents (1Timothy 5:8) and God promises His blessings on those who honor their parents.
The Christian home should be a home where all members care for each other. The emphasis of the bible’s view for the family is one of mutual sharing, giving, and receiving. This occurs out of love, respect and concern for others from within the family.

Threats to a Peaceful home
Today, most Christian homes are in confusion/ crisis due to the lack of spiritual focus in the homes. . Family time once used for prayer and Bible studying has given way to excessive television viewing, career enhancement, entertainment, and other activities that threaten the home. This shift has had a traumatic impact on the collective values of today’s Christian family/ home .Men and women are created in God's image and likeness, and are therefore equally valuable in His eyes. This does not mean, however, that men and women have identical roles in life. Women are more adept at nurturing and caring for the young, while men are better equipped to provide for and protect the family. Thus, they are equal in status, but each has a different role to play. That is why we, as the home’s stakeholders, need not default on the parts we play for a peaceful home.

Husband and wife are to remain faithful to one another for a lifetime. This means that divorce and living together without being married are unacceptable in God’s eyes. Both parents are called by God not only to meet the material and physical needs of the family but also to instruct children in the things of God (Deuteronomy 11:18-21; Proverbs 22:6). This will mean that parents discipline their children. Appropriate discipline is not abuse, but an authentic expression of love and concern (Proverbs 13:24; 19:18; 22:15; 29:15, 17;. Hebrews 12:5-11). Yet parents need to be sensitive, not reacting harshly in anger, avoiding expressions of discipline that would mar the spirit of the child (Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:21).

When a husband, wife and children all fulfill their God-appointed roles in the family, when they have all committed their lives to Christ and to His service, then peace and harmony will reign in the home. But if we try to have a good Christian family without Christ as Head, or without adhering to the biblical principles the Lord has lovingly provided for us, we will fail.

Is your home a peaceful home? Now you know. Work it out!


What is the Internet?
 Is a global network connecting millions of computers and it uses addresses (IP protocol suite) to identify each device. All over the world, millions of people use the internet every day to conduct business, listen to world news, check the weather, learn about other countries, to shop, to bank, obtain travel information or communicate with families and friends. More and more uses are being discovered every day.


Apart from all these helps from the internet, the internet is becoming “okumfo dumfo”. Why? Because as much as you can get useful resources and information on the internet , one can also get bad and negative information from this same internet. Just as the saying goes, fire is a good servant but a bad master, so is the internet becoming.
 Bible says in James 3:12: Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh.


The internet was originally invented during the cold war to enable US forces communicate amongst themselves. But when the threat died down, it was released for public use, and this has transformed the world by way of information and communication since.

Definition of immorality
“Not conforming to standards of right behaviour or living contrary to good/ right principles” or “contrary to conscience or scripture”. eg. fraud (sakawa), fornication, pornography, stealing/ robbery, falsehood, nudity, betrayal, traitors, etc.
Its reliability has eased communication, access to information etc. Even after all this, the internet has increased immorality in society.impacted the society negatively since there is little or no control of it. Internet immorality has been on the rise especially with the many opened social sites and the various social networks. Pornographic, dating, relationship sites are some of the examples of the many sites found on the internet. Such sites have promoted weakened societal moral values. Immorality among the teens and the youth has tremendously increased. In most cases, the internet fuels immorality on this young generation. Many people have also figured out ways through which they can make money by using the internet. This in return has enhanced immoral practices such as stealing of identity, hacking into personal accounts, selling of illegal stuff and goods, fraud among other things. In an effort to cub this immorality, programmes such as filtering and censorship of content information in the internet has been established. State Governments and some organizations have managed at some point with these programmes. However, these programmes have brought about controversies over what information content is good and that is bad. This is so because; censorship programmes may censor both the good and the bad information.

Internet immorality
Although the Internet has eased communication and access to information, it is gradually becoming a master of immorality. Immoral issues arising from the introduction of the internet include:
     1.     Cyber- crime eg. sakawa, fraud (ID and banking). Causing mistrust amongst people
     2.     Pornography leading to Fornication/ adultery (also looking lustfully-matt.5:23), Rape and       pedophilia.
     3.     Increase in Prostitution (‘cos of more secrecy)
     4.     Hacking-  to ruin computer systems
     5.     Viral attacks to make money and run- down equipment
     6.     Perversion

Effect of internet Immorality on Child of God
      1.     Grief the Holy Spirit, thus, affecting your relationship with God
      2.     You can’t do God’s work because of guilt and accusation from Satan
      3.     Shame to your family and yourself (i.e. parents, siblings, loss of respect)
      4.     Shame to church and friends thereby keeping people from becoming Christians
      5.     Bringing great pleasure to Satan, an enemy of God (2sam. 12:14)
      6.     Physical consequences like STDs, pregnancy, AIDS, etc

How to overcome
      1.     Don’t idle on the internet eg. David and Beersheba
      2.     Most Internet service providers have some kind of filtering software that will block access to bad/immoral sites, so use that.
      3.     If you already have a filter but use a password to bypass the blocked sites, have someone else put in a new password so you cannot access some sites unless that friend is there.
      4.     Keep your computer in a "public" place in the house so that others are around whenever you are using the computer.
      5.     Admit to yourself and to God that you are powerless to control this behavior on your own. Ask God for grace to overcome the desire to use the internet for wrong reasons.
      6.     lay a good foundation for the younger people. This can be done by incorporating moral values.lay a good foundation for the younger people. This can be done by incorporating moral values.Flee the site, if unsure (same as an unwanted guest enters your home) and
      7.     Don’t be curious about everything you hear or see, to edge you search more. Satan will always play the bad sites you visited in your mind which a ‘times leads to practice (sin)
      8.     Keep your mind on things of God and Satan will not fill it with sinful thoughts.

Satan is using the internet to win souls for hell, why don’t you use it to win souls for Christ (eg. encouragement series). Accessing the immoral sites start small and innocent—but it quickly becomes an action. And that action stirs more thoughts—which create more actions. And soon, you are no longer controlling your lusts. They are controlling you. Do not be a slave to such things. Do not allow the god of this world (II Cor. 4:4) to shape you in the way he sees fit. You have the choice of changing your path. The facts of this explosion of immorality sits in your hands- to shut it out or allow it in? You are able to make a wise and in-depth choice in your life. The only question left is whether you choose to be led into this canker of internet immorality, or whether you break those chains and choose holiness, peace and joy in our Lord Jesus Christ and His word. The choice is yours to make. Choose wisely! 


Rev.21:10: And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God,
Heaven is real! The most wonderful things that you have never even dreamed of are already waiting for you in God's great Heavenly City! When Jesus was saying good-bye to his disciples at the last supper, He promised them, "In My Father's house are many mansions: I go to prepare a place for you!" (Jn.14:2,3) He has been working on our Heavenly Home since He left, and now it's just about complete and ready for us! The Lord took the Apostle John on a spirit trip there, and he saw the Heavenly City coming down from God out of space to land on a beautiful New Earth that will be like the Garden of Eden! This gigantic Golden City will stand 1500 miles (2,400km) high, 1500 miles long and 1500 miles wide! (Rev.21:1-3)

Brief description of heavenly city (compared with world city)
Rev. 21:12-24………..12 gates and 12 foundations; walled city; walls made of precious stones (jasper,gold, clear glass, pearls, etc.); needed no sun or moon to shine in it, for the glory of God lighted it; the gates shall not be shut because there is no night there.

What a wonder this great Heavenly City will be!--No more pain, sickness, tears, sin, evil, or death!--Only love and laughter and peace ever after! Will YOU be there?!

Proof that heaven is real
·       Gen. 1:1; Ex. 9:22; Ps. 14:2; Matt. 23:9; Acts 1:9-11.

Who are qualified to enter the city (holy Jerusalem)?
·       Receive Jesus as personal saviour. (Romans 10:9, Romans 10:13; Jn. 1:12; Ephesians 2:8)
·       Obey the word—(Jn. 14:23-24, 2Tim.3:16-17)
·       Rev. 21:27—the righteous
·       Have and keep the Holy Spirit who will comfort and give you power (John 14:26; Act. 1:8)

Who are not qualified to enter the city (holy Jerusalem)?
Rev. 20:15; Gal. 5:19-21, 2Thess. 2:12; 2Jn 1:9; Jude 1:5; I Corin.6:9-12

When will we enter the city?
No man knows (Matt. 24:36-44; 2Pet. 3:10). …..but after coming judgment (2corin. 5:10; Rev. 20:10-15). Therefore prepare because Jesus will come like a thief.(2Pet. 3:10)

Brethren do not let your heart be troubled. God has a wonderful plan for our future, which cannot be compared with this present, troubled earth. As our reading in Jn. 14:23 says…we should keep the Lord’s word. Like Paul and co. in Acts 16…..Do you find time to preach the Lord’s word to people? Telling them about salvation in Jesus Christ only and the coming Day of Judgment, so they are ready? Lydia attained her salvation because she worshipped God? Rev. 22:5 says, in that citythere is no night there; no candle nor sun light because the Lord gives light and reigns forever (justice and peace).

Are you ready for this heavenly city? Read Rev. 22:12-14. Amen!


But why should Jesus die? A sinless and innocent person, who did a lot of miracles in His time, was maltreated and nailed to the cross as a thief.
To the human mind, this sacrificial death does not make sense! That is why 1corinthians 1:18 confirms that, “the preaching of the cross is foolishness to them that perish”.

Old times

 In the olden times, the law required that nearly everything should be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22). This sacrifice for sin even began before the law was given to Moses. In the Garden of Eden, God killed an animal to ‘cover’ the nakedness of Adam & Eve (Gen. 3:21) when they disobeyed and this was God’s act of grace to mankind.
I believe that if animal sacrifices were to be used for forgiveness today, some of us, our sins, will be too heavy for the scale to bear because we cannot afford to buy the animals for sacrifice.       
But why did Jesus die?                                                                                                                                                              
One of the qualities of the animal for sacrifice for sin was that, it should be spotless and clean. By all standards, Jesus was the only qualified to be used by God for this sacrifice once and for all (John1:29; 1Peter 1:19).

What then is the importance of the death of Jesus?

    1)     Because only that death was complete, final and once for all sacrifice for the sins of the world (Hebrews 10:10). This death ended the temporal animal sacrifices under the law. Therefore, we should not allow anybody to deceive us of another sacrifice in addition to Jesus sacrificial death.

     2)     Through the death of Jesus, we have forgiveness of sins (1 Corinthians 15:3). The death of Christ frees us from the power of sin (Romans 4:25a). When Jesus died, God laid on him the sin of us all, the punishment that all of us deserve for all our sins. So whenever Satan accuses us -- saying, "God could never forgive you for what you have done -- we can say, "by the death of Jesus, I have forgiveness of sin”.

     3)     We have power to conquer sin. In Christ we are a new creation (2Corin 5:17); his Spirit lives within us. We have been renewed, we have a new self -- and the purpose of that new self is to be conformed to the image of Christ, to become like him: truly righteous, truly holy -- to become what God intends humans to be! So if this is the case, why do Christians keep on sinning? Paul gives us the answer in Philippians: we don't know the power of the death!

    4)     We have the Power to Be God's Agent. Christianity is not just about forgiveness and having solution to our problems. Through the salvation that came from the death on the cross, we are to be agents of change in the world. God empowers us not only to defeat sin but also to share and display his loving message to the world. Jesus says, "You are the light of the world." Read 2 Cor. 5:19, 20. God could work directly in each person's life the way he worked in Paul's life -- But God has chosen instead to work through us; weak as we are, limited as we are -- and to show His power through our very weakness. Some of us can preach football or gossip all day but cannot preach Christ. Do you tell people about Christ?                                                     


Looking at the sufferings that Jesus went through to die for you and I, we need not live any how after tasting of the fruits of the death (i.e. salvation). How are you living the Christian life? Have you become a new person in Christ (2corinthian 5:17) or you are befriending the world? Brethren, if we say we have tasted of the grace through the death of Jesus, let us live a life of righteousness and make the sacrifice on the cross more meaningful for others to come to Jesus for their salvation. Amen!

*All references are from the King James Bible


Prayer is an important part of the Christian life. Jesus said, “…men ought always to pray.” But prayer, to be effectual, must be of a certain kind; it must possess certain characteristics in order to render it acceptable to God. Without these characteristics it may as well have no existence. We read from scripture of some whose prayers were an abomination to God and that was because their prayers were not of the right sort. In their prayers were some elements that were displeasing to God, so that he could not accept their prayers nor answer them. There is a kind of prayer, however, which God delights to hear. It comes up as sweet incense to him. The incense that was offered on the golden altar in the holy place of the temple was a type of the prayers of God’s people. And so, prayer of the right sort is a sweet fragrance to God.

Praying According to God’s Will
Man's highest aim should be to bring glory to God (1 Corinthians 10:31), and this includes praying according to His will. The God who invites us to pray, and who takes pleasure in our prayer, is the God who delights to answer prayer. It is He who, by his Spirit, inspires within our hearts the character to pray. Prayer in God’s will means prayer in the manner and with the attitude of heart that is according to God’s will, and also prayer for the things that are according to his will. There are certain kinds of prayer that are not in God’s will. There are certain things called prayer which rather merit another name and which rise to God, not as sweet-scented incense but as something, which is displeasing. A few biblical guide to praying according to God’s will:

1) Pray for the things which the Bible commands prayer. We are told to pray for our enemies (Matthew 5:44); for God to send missionaries (Luke 10:2); that we do not enter temptation (Matthew 26:41); for ministers of the Word (Colossians 4:3; 2 Thessalonians 3:1); for government authorities (1 Timothy 2:1-3); for relief from affliction (James 5:13); and for the healing of fellow believers (James 5:16). Where God commands prayer, we can pray with confidence that we are praying according to His will.

2) Follow the example of godly characters in Scripture. Paul prayed for the salvation of Israel (Romans 10:1). David prayed for mercy and forgiveness when he sinned (Psalm 51:1-2). The early church prayed for boldness to witness (Acts 4:29). These prayers were according to the will of God, and similar prayers today can be as well. As with Paul and the early church, we should always be praying for the salvation of others. For ourselves, we should pray as David prayed, always aware of our sin and bringing it before God so it will not hinder our relationship with Him and impede our prayers.

3) Pray with the right motive. Selfish motives will not be blessed by God. “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures” (James 4:3). We should also pray, not so our lofty words can be heard and be seen by others as “spiritual,” but mostly in private and in secret, so that our heavenly Father will hear in private and reward us openly (Matthew 6:5-6).                                                                   

4) Pray with a spirit of forgiveness toward others (Mark 11:25). A spirit of bitterness, anger, revenge or hatred toward others will prevent our hearts from praying in total submission to God. Just as we are told not to give offerings to God while there is conflict between ourselves and another Christian (Matthew 5:23-24), in the same way God does not want the offering of our prayers until we have reconciled with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

5) Pray with thanksgiving (Colossians 4:2; Philippians 4:6-7). We can always find something to be thankful for, no matter how burdened we are by our wants or needs. The greatest sufferer that lives in this world of redeeming love, and who has the offer of heaven before him, has reason to be grateful to God.                              
6) Pray with persistence (Luke 18:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:17). We should persevere in prayer and not quit or be dejected because we have not received an immediate answer. Part of praying in God’s will is believing that, whether His answer is “yes,” “no,” or “wait,” we accept His judgment, submit to His will, and continue to pray.                          
7) Rely on the Spirit of God in prayer. This is a wonderful truth: “We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will” (Romans 8:26-27). We have the Spirit’s help in praying. In times of our deepest depression or sorrow, those times when we feel that we “just cannot pray,” we have the comfort of knowing that the Holy Spirit is actually praying for us! What an amazing God we have!                                                                     
8) We must pray without doubting. James 1:6-8 tells us that when we pray, we must not doubt. God is true and faithful to his promises. We must come to God in faith. In Matthew 21:22 Jesus said, "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." We must believe and not doubt that, he will listen to our prayers as we pray in accordance with his will.
9) We must pray in Jesus’ name. In John 14:13, Jesus said, "And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father." In John 15:16 we read, "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name." In John 16:26 we read, "In that day you will ask in my name."
10) We must pray with expectation. If we don’t expect God to do anything after we have prayed to him, we haven’t exercised faith in him. We need to get away from ritualistic prayers that don’t expect results. When we pray by faith according to God’s will, we must expect God to give us what we ask for and, the truth is, he will. In fact, John makes this the profound statement in 1 John 5:15, "And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him."
I hope that we will learn to pray in accordance with the will of God and prove our God to be a prayer-answering God. This is the blessing of praying according to God’s will. I hope we will learn to seek first the kingdom of God and pray for the concerns of the kingdom rather than our own concerns. As we do so, I guarantee that God will give us food and everything else, even without our asking. As we immerse ourselves in God’s purposes and interests, He will take care of everything we need.

The prayer that is prayed according to God’s will is always a submissive prayer. It does not press its own desires. The language of the heart is, “Thy will be done.” It does not argue with God. It does not choose the way He shall answer; in fact, it has no requirements for Him. It trusts in divine wisdom, counts God faithful, hopes all things and believes all things. It is the prayer of confidence, not the prayer of doubt. It believes God, and is ready to write, “This is true,” and set its seal to all of God’s promises.

Prayer that is prayed according to God’s will always put God and his desires and purposes first.  Amen!


Romans 10:13- “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved
We live in a world today where there are lots of troubles and problems- unemployment, marital problems, family feuds, financial crisis, illnesses, wars, etc. Though man has been trying to come out with solutions upon solutions, he rather tends to compound the problems. People are moving ‘here and there’ to solve their problems or just looking for people to talk to, but everybody seems busy to listen.
Brethren, man can and will fail you!

The Christian
As Christians, we have solutions to our problems in God but most of us still want to fall on man who can fail us. Satan, our arch enemy, is always lurking to ensure that we deny our God, but this is the time for us to call on our God- as Job, who relied on God in his troubles and was restored; as Paul, who enjoyed the grace of God in his weakness; as David, who relied on God for victory over Goliath; as Peter, who relied on God and was released from prison; as Joseph, whose dependence on God caused his release from prison. The list can go on and on. All these men were able to stand and overcome their predicaments because they called on the one true God. In 2Ch:16:12, King Asa relied on physicians and died from his feet disease but King Hezekiah (2kings 20:) called on the name of the Lord when he got the death message from Prophet Isaiah and was saved.
On whom do you call on in times of troubles?

Call on the Lord
The Christian strength depends on his total reliance on our Lord Jesus Christ. Most Christians are weak today because we depend on man rather than God. Our God has become like a dummy ‘idol’ that we fall on as and when we want.
Calling on God is even a delight to Him (Proverb 15:8). Every believer has access to God and can call on Him at all times and everywhere. Unlike man or other deities who have days on which you can approach, the God of heaven can be called upon at every moment in time.
Brethren, calling on God should be a character rather than an occasion. We can call on Him to adore Him, confess our sins, give Him thanks or present our requests to Him- which man or God can accommodate all these responsibilities?

Hindrances to our call
Although God is ever ready to respond when we call on Him, our lack of faith (James 1:5-7), sin (Isa. 59:1-2; Ps. 66:18); not forgiving others (Mk. 11:25-26); using our request for pleasure (James 4:3); not taking good care of our spouse (1Pet.3:7) hinders God from responding to our call. It is therefore important that, as Christians, we endeavour to call on God according to His will and conditions and not ours.
Jesus Example
Satan, our arch enemy, has an agenda to destroy our growth in the Lord i.e. not to live right with God; not to obey His word; etc. Like he did to Jesus in Luke 4:1-13, after He has completed His fasting to begin His work on earth, Satan tempted Jesus with things of the flesh in order for Jesus to worship him, Satan. But when Jesus refused to obey him, He left Him and angels attended to Him.
Some of us are going through all kinds of temptations and trials which when we submit, will cause us to worship Satan. Brethren, this is the time to call on the Lord God and not man or some kind of god of the family or hometown.
Call on God at all times and He will hear; and He will attend to your problems or need. But do you have faith in Him only? Do you obey His word only, and walk in it? John 15:7 says “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you” – what a promise!
1John 5:14-15 : And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

 Call on the Lord at all times, for He will hear you.  Amen!