Wednesday, February 16, 2011



The Christian is constantly in battle with the forces that mitigate against him. Some Christians are ignorant of the existence and source of this battle. Just knowing how to handle sin and how to be filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit is not sufficient. We have to know who our enemies are, their schemes, how to deal with them and walk in victory as Christians.

What is Warfare
Warfare is about knowing who your enemy is in battle, his schemes and how to deal with them.

How did the Christian warfare start?
The Christian warfare began when Satan fell to earth from heaven. He decided and vowed to revenge on God’s children (believers or Christians). See Revelation 12:1-12.

Strategy of our enemy (Satan)
In the Christian warfare, Satan is our main enemy using various areas of attack on Christians. For example, he attacks through lusts, flesh, faith, diseases, properties and various hindrances so that we won’t be able to do what God wants’ us to do and to denounce God. He did it to Judas through lust for money; Job, through loss of properties, death of loved ones and inflicting diseases; Paul, through trials and tribulations; David, through lust after somebody’s wife; Solomon, through womanizing; unemployment, money, failures, drunkenness, family members, etc. In these last days, one of his greatest tool against Christians is deception.

Remember, all he does is to steal, kill and destroy!

Our Christian strategy in warfare
• Be sure you are a Christian and filled with the Holy Spirit. Not a church-goer.
• Know the strategy of our enemy (Satan) as mentioned above.
• Know and use your Christian weapon (Ephesians 6:10-18), which is the perfect armour of God, not the imperfect of Goliath, which was easily penetrated or Saul’s, which did not fit David for battle. The perfect armour of God fits everyone no matter your size or shape and it comprises the following:

a) Belt of truth, holiness: Belt holds all garments together and prevents them from falling apart. Truthfulness makes you credible, worthy and can stand accusation as our Lord Jesus Christ did before Pilate.
b) Breast plate of righteousness: It covers our hearts and not our backs. You shall stand firm in righteousness with a pure heart and to move confidently forward.
c) Feet in gospel of peace: When the foot is grounded in battle, it prevents the soldier from falling. If you are grounded in the word of God, no deception can win you. Study and know the gospel, walk in it daily and spread it.
d) Shield of faith: The shield is the first defense in attack and it is your faith in battle. If you hold on firmly to the faith in Jesus Christ, you will ward off the fiery darts of the devil.
e) Helmet of salvation: the helmet prevents entry into our minds, things of this world. Confess Jesus always and let Him only be your hope.
f) Sword of the Spirit: the sword is for attacking and cutting the enemy in battle. Our sword (word of God) is sharper than a double-edged sword; it is the same when turned both ways. Hold firmly onto the sword, no how to use it well in battle. Jesus, after he has fasted for 40days was tempted by Satan, using a twisted word. If Jesus had not known the word skillfully He would have been deceived by Satan.
g) Prayer: Beware of God’s presence. Call on Him at all times. When the going gets tough, talk (pray) to God about it. He is ready to hear and answer.

Is there assurance of victory in using our spiritual weapon?
Yes! There is absolutely total victory as Christ did on Calvary. see 1John 4:4, 1 Corin. 10:13; 1 John 5:4

We can continue in victory only if we depend on Jesus Christ daily through bible study, prayer and fasting- our next topics. Amen!

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